Bulk and wholesale forecasting

November 7, 2022

Nov 7, 2022

Product Update

We are happy to launch two new features within our inventory planning and buying module, making it even easier for you to set solid plans for sales and inventory ahead!

Bulk forecasting

This feature allows the user to apply overall forecasting assumptions on all articles within a grouping, such as a category or a collection. As a new user, it helps you to get started quickly and set up initial forecasts. From there, you can deep-dive into the styles that need special attention or where the forecasts don’t match your team’s view of the trajectory of a product.

Moreover, the feature will highlight the articles that are not included in the forecast due to insufficient data so that you can apply special logic for these styles. For example, selecting reference products.

With this new feature, a typical brand is able to set up sales plans for its full assortment in a matter of minutes.

Wholesale forecasting

Madden Analytics now supports separate forecasts and sales plans for the wholesale business. This is beneficial if you need to place production purchase orders ahead of customers’ pre-orders, or if you have a large share of B2B sales with immediate delivery.

The feature allows the user to specify what customers should be included in the forecast. Resellers who only place pre-orders or that you will no longer be working with can easily be excluded and additional growth rates can be applied to account for expected additions of retailers carrying your brand going forward.

Want to learn more about how Madden can support you with sales forecasting and inventory planning? Leave us your details and we'll get in touch!


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